"Buy gala, gala, gala! Buy galaaa!!"
The very pretty Adoabi was among the street hustlers who were running from pillar to post inside the ever busy Akumbi town! This has always been her calling! She admitted during one of her conversations with her friend Jane! She believed so much in the powers of destiny! She was born with silver spoon, within few years, she started eating with a spoon made of wood!
"Buy galaaaa!" Adaobi would run from one end, chasing potential customers who were usually on bike, keke, public and private vehicles! This mode of business was popular in the town as most youths saw it as an opportunity out of nothing!
Adaobi dropped out of the university in her first year after her father died! According to her, what killed her father remained a mystery she would be glad to uncover! Things were moving on well for her and her family until her father her slept happily one night and never woke up again! She happened to be the only child of her parent! When her father died, things turned from endless laughter to endless sorrow! Her mother was uneducated and a full house wife. She was employed by her husband to sit at home with no monthly salary. Her husband didn't allow her to work. He was always scared of other men meeting his wife. He was also an 'illiterate literate' who was lucky enough to make fortune! He became an importer and exporter of car parts. When he died, due to his nature, he didn't prepare any will. His wife couldn't fight as his brother took over everything he worked hard to earn and accused her of unable to give birth to a male child. He didn't invest else where. He had only one business that brought so much wealth for him. Pretty Adaobi couldn't fight too as her mother was more religious than the pope! She told her to 'leave everything for God to handle.'
Adaobi had this elegant body, average in height, light in complexion, long dark hair with beautiful straight legs. Adaobi was 18 years old when her dark journey began. She wanted to become a banker. She really wanted that! She had no choice but to quit schooling after her morning turned night!
Adaobi worked like a male child. Her mother who was practically lazy couldn't do much. Adaobi had to look for a way to survive! She believed she would some day go back to school! Her beautiful and glittering skin began to change as a result of the negative effect of the hot and harsh sun, under which she ran her daily business routine! She knew it but she could do nothing!
Adaobi joined her friend who was into this business for a while. Her friend taught her how to do the business. Within weeks, Adaobi was making profit which she used to provide food for her mother who knew how to do nothing. Her mother became lazy as a result of the house wife syndrom deposited in her by her late husband. Adaobi left home as early as six in the morning and returned six in the evening daily. She hardly had time to rest her body except at night.
"Mother, mother, mother!!" an excited Adaobi ran home after one of her usual hustling day on the street of Akumbi Town! "Mother, I told you this business is good" Adaobi brought out the money she made for that day, she started separating her capital from her profit. "Mother, I made a profit of N300.00 today.
Have you eaten?" Her mother was just coming out of the bathroom built with wood, she dropped the plastic bucket and paid attention to her daughter properly.
"My daughter, I have not o. I only drank garri this morning. I have been praying for you to make profit today." Her mother replied her.
"emmmmm, don't worry mother, I'll find something for us to eat." She cuddled her mother and assured her of food. Her mother was in her early 40s but was always acting like a woman in her 70s! Adaoba dashed inside their one room apartment, drank a cup of water and dashed out. She ran to buy few things she was to use for her local soup making.
If not for the strength of Adaobi, both mother and daughter would have died of hunger! They were able to pay for the one room apartment through the help of Adaobi's friend and Adaobi's personal savings. The environment was nothing to write home about as giant mosquitoes were their regular visitors but they didn't care. All they wanted was some where to put their heads. Both banks and her her father's elder brother seized their various properties after her father died! Adaobi never stopped wondering the difference between a male child and female child.
Adaobi was always happy in the mist of her darkness! She complained less and believed that some day, her night would be over! She was a very good cook just like her mother.
Few minutes after she left for the near by market to buy ingredients for the local soup, she rushed back home with the ingredients. She set up the fire wood she was to use to prepare the soup. Few hours later, they were both set to eat! Adaobi made the delicious soup which they both ate with eba!
"Mother, how is the soup?" She gladly asked her mother while they were eating.
"Well, I'm not always surprise, you inherited this gift from me. I also inherited it from my own mother who inherited it from her own mother too. The gift of good cooking skill has been there in the family. I'm glad you inherited it too my dear daughter. I'm sure your husband will love this my daughter." Her mother praised her while they both ate from the same plate of soup but different plates of eba.
Few minutes later, Adaobi stood up and served her mother drinking water, "mother, I hope you will not be disturbing everyone with your endless prayers this night again o. I have said my own. I want to sleep."
"You better keep quiet there! What has come over you? I have told you, prayer is a must for you and I to survive!"
Yes mother I know but yours is too much!Too too much!! My friend's mum doesn't pray the way you do. I'm just saying you should try and reduce the length and your voice while praying because I want to enjoy my sleep this night o. I don't know why your prayer didn't prevent father from dying!"
"All I can say is that you have gone mad again. It seems you're getting corrupted because of this your gala business. I hope those boys are not touching you eh Adaobi!" Her mother paused for few seconds before she continued eating!
They both resolved to stop talking about the prayer issue and when they finished eating, they both surrendered to oga sleep when he came calling them!
The Next Day
Adaobi woke up late! Her sleep was interrupted by her mum who prayed for more than two hours during the night and that made her to wake up late. Adaobi was not happy with the whole thing! She greeted her mother, prepared food for her, rushed to the bathroom, had her bath, dressed up and left for her daily hustling. She usually buy the gala from her supplier each day and sell on the street! She was able to purchase the amount of gala she needed to sell for that day and she was rushing to go to her usual location to begin the hustle for that day when she was knocked down by a driver who was with an average class Nissan car! Adaobi fell on the ground as the driver rushed out from his car to see what he did to the young lady! While some good people rushed to assist the man in order to save her life, some young men were busy picking her gala to elope !
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